Sunday, March 18, 2012



是我改变了?还是我环境改变了? 我真的以为我可以撑强...原来是我的幼稚.

在此,我要说明,我对不起关心我的亲友 我让大家失望了.我会好好反省,做好自己.感谢你的关心和照顾.对不起

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New year, new term, new start, new life

Inilah tahun baru. This is a new year.

Its a new start, new term in school, New prespective, new life, new goals.

Most likely, my last year in school. As such, I want to get the most out of my degree, so I am exploring other courses that I have never thought of taking.
Wine science. E-business. E-marketing.
I should say, all of these are GOOD courses as its really integrative and reality related, and no longer anything textbook says(most of it dont even want you to buy the textbook - saves me lots of $$$).

I spoke to one of my prof, WOW, no offence sir, he isnt the best teacher around, but he is a good person to speak to. He is a consultant for many many many airlines, airports, former chairman for transport development group, ATAT.U pull out his resume, HAK SEI YEN.
I am really liking my major, though maybe ppl from other "majority" major would be like "psh... oh u in tlog major". But U know what, I believe! and that makes it worthwhile to pursuit my own interest rather than following norms.

Will work hard for better results. BRING IT ON 2012, I challenge you !!

Notes on 2011,
A crappy lousy horrible start to the year with troubles. Naive, stupid me.. why so easily fooled, taken advantage, used, manipulated, again and again, over and over. Maybe i m too courteous and too nice to people i care about. So bad that my academic was flunked. I am not going back it the same thing. DONT MESS WITH ME B**CH. After summer, then, classes started. Everythink okay liao, found my own directions, my own goals and working toward it. Its just like that.

2011, nothing great, nothing significant, but ya, you did threw me off tangent. But d i am gonna combat you like crazy if it happens again.

just looking forward for 2012.
Our best year to come !!
GOOD LUCK, friends and family.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011



而我根本没真的把你当一回事. 对我而言,你的存在真的有没有意义,我也不知道.


来世,你讨厌我, 没关系, 应该得.

对不起 k.o.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Recent development


Feels much more enjoyable learning in class.
Feels much more freedom gained.
Feels much more quiet than before.
Feels much more stuttering speaking English.
Feels much more easily strained and hungry.
Feels much more time passed too quickly at most times.
Feels much more unworthy to find resolution, waste of time.

Feels Autumn Red leafs are pretty, but Spring flowers are more vibrant.
Feels solitude for being alone.
Feels thoughts and thinking about world.
Feels the lonely, cold lonely chilly nights.
Feels intimidated at times.
Feels detached.

Still feel unable to find the center of gravity.
Still feel unable to learn things coming against me
Still feel like having high hopes, but dissapointed.

Feels like I not learn to love what I do at best. Not that I'd like to feel like this, feels like I want to flee out of this spectrum. Too much grey clouds to dampen a bright future.

This place, is not my world.

I am fleeing to capture my awaiting opportunity ahead of me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good luck

Everytime you fall down, you stood up again and fight your hardship.
Now, its time do it again, prove to yourself once again you can manage it.
Because there is every reason in the world to believe that you'll do well. Good luck !

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

again the problem ??

right now, studying for econ midterm tomorrow at 9pm in the library. have been burried in econ for the whole day now... ...

then i suddenly remembered. I seriously wanna ask: why again??! what is your unlogical problem ??
bcuz i got a serious problem understanding with this peculiar unexplainable nightmare. Got woken up early morning to this nightmare for the 3rd time cuz I 'saw' her AGAIN (just in dream) Hmm... havent add up the number of actually seeing this person in real life, then it will be quite a dozen times !!! what does this mean leh ?! its like every time i have this nightmare, the situation will get worse and it's becoming more unfortunate. why you want to hunt me down ? have i done anything wrong to you that I don't deserve a good sleep ? nightmare can lead to insomnia.

But, nevermind this, my worse nightmare ever, ECON 355 - international trade. WHY WHY WHY ?!
cuz its TRADE TRADE TRADE TRADE TRADE TRADE. really regret taking this over summer. most unliked econ course so far. AIYOYOYO aaaaa

GOOD LUCK !!!! must endure ..... summer is still long. ENDURE PAIN cuz sweetness is coming soon :) cant wait till i go home / spend time with friends & family !!! 1 month !!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Joy of recognizing true happiness.

Living the enjoyable summer week with shows, visiting friends, staying in spend quality time, watch shows, picking flowers. Good mother nature, thank you for your sunshine :)
Went to sing K with friends, we were able to make the best time. Little more expensive than expected, but nevermind the money. It was worth it, at least i think.

In life, you can earn and save alot of money, but if money cannot buy REAL happiness that leaps out of your heart, its a waste of time and waste of quality life we took for granted. Like it says, "Happiness is only REAL when SHARED". I agree with it.

I am so glad,thankful. I am so happy with my life right now.
Thank you all friends, family and love ones.